
  • Basic Rights Equality "Greenlight"

    The Greenlight is a stamp of approval open to all candidates. Jo Ann is the only candidate to receive the Greenlight for Portland City Council Position 3.

  • Pro-Choice Oregon

    (formerly NARAL)

    Pro-Choice Oregon develops and sustains a constituency that uses the political process to guarantee every person who can become pregnant the right to make personal decisions regarding the full range of reproductive choices, including preventing unintended pregnancy, bearing healthy children, and choosing legal abortion.

  • Oregon Working Families Party

    Building an Oregon that works for all of us, not just the wealthy and well connected.

  • Vote Vets

    VoteVets Action Fund is a 501c(4) organization, whose primary purpose is to advocate for issues that impact troops, veterans, and their families.

  • Elect Black Women PAC

    At Elect Black Women, we are working hard every day to tear down the systemic barriers that prevent women of color from holding positions in public office.

  • SEIU Local 49

    Our mission is to improve the quality of life for our members, their families, and dependents by achieving a higher standard of living, by elevating their social conditions and by striving to create a more just society.

  • Independent Party of Oregon State Council

    The Independent Party of Oregon (IPO) is Oregon's third-largest political party.

  • SEIU Local 503

    We are an organization of more than 72,000 people who, by joining together, are achieving what we cannot accomplish alone. We provide valuable services to our communities, doing more than 500 different jobs in 85 state, local government and non-profit agencies and care facilities.

  • Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon

    APANO unites Asians and Pacific Islanders to build power, develop leaders, and advance equity through organizing, advocacy, community development, and cultural work.

  • International Longshore and Warehouse Union

    The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) is a labor union which primarily represents dock workers on the West Coast of the United States, Hawaii, and in British Columbia, Canada.

  • East County Rising

    East County Rising was created to provide community and electoral organizing opportunities for residents to partake in issue-based electoral and campaign work. Our goal is to transform east county. We are achieving that goal by educating and mobilizing voters, training progressive candidates, and working with elected officials to pass meaningful policy that improves east county.

  • Latino Network Action Fund

    Latino Network Action Fund is Latina/o led 501(c)4 organization created to advocate for legislation, regulations, and programs that promote the general welfare of the Latinx Community in Oregon.

  • UFCW Local 555

    We are over 30,000 workers and their families throughout Oregon, SW Washington, Idaho, and Jackson, Wyoming. UFCW has been Union Strong in the Pacific Northwest for nearly one hundred years. Our Local is chartered by the UFCW International Union, making us one with over 1.3 million workers across the United States and Canada.

  • Sunrise Movement PDX

    The Sunrise Movement is a youth movement to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process. We’re building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people.

  • BerniePDX

    We are a volunteer-run group that focuses on supporting progressive local candidates and causes.

  • Portland Association of Teachers

    Our union, the Portland Association of Teachers, represents more than 4500 professional educators in the Portland Public School system. We're working to create the best possible learning environment for our students, by protecting our profession and advocating for frontline educators.

  • Portland Community College Federation of Faculty and Academic Professionals

    The Portland Community College Federation of Faculty and Academic Professionals (PCCFFAP) represents Faculty (both full time and part-time) and Academic Professionals at PCC. We work together to improve our working conditions. PCCFFAP is Local 2277 of the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO.

  • The Street Trust Action Fund

    The Street Trust Action Fund is the 501c4 arm of The Street Trust. TST’s Action Fund supports champions for multimodal options who prioritize transportation safety, accessibility, equity, and climate justice in the Portland Metro Region and beyond.

  • Building Power for Communities of Color

    Building Power for Communities of Color is dedicated to collective and cross-cultural political action for racial justice in Oregon. We strive to bring forward the voices of Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color in our lawmaking and electoral processes through policy advocacy, lobbying, and electoral activities.

  • Next Up Action Fund

    Next Up amplifies the voice and leadership of diverse young people to achieve a more just and equitable Oregon.

    Next Up Action Fund engages the next generation of Oregon’s leaders to build political power and fight for a more just and equitable Oregon.

    This is our 501(c)4 branch.

  • Our Revolution

    Bernie Sanders launched Our Revolution – America’s leading grassroots-funded progressive political organizing group – to empower everyday Americans to stand up to the corporate interests that seek to manipulate our government for personal gain.

  • Young Democrats of Oregon

    We protect the civil and human rights of every Oregonian and to ensure that Oregon remains a healthy, prosperous, free, and fair community for all people.

  • Oregon League of Conservation Voters

    Passing laws to protect Oregon's environmental legacy, electing pro-environment candidates, and holding our elected official accountable.

  • Oregon Sierra Club

    Our Political Committee endorses candidates for public office at all levels of state and local government who will help protect Oregon's environment and stand in solidarity and mutuality with frontline communities.

  • Imagine Black

    Imagine Black helps our Black community imagine the alternatives we deserve and build our political participation and leadership to achieve those alternatives.

  • Portland Tenants United

    We are an all volunteer tenant's union that organizes to end and mitigate the impacts of displacement caused by no-cause terminations and unjustified rent increases, and to ensure fair and equitable access to safe and secure housing in livable communities for all

  • Community Alliance of Tenants (CAT)

    Formed in 1996, the Community Alliance of Tenants (CAT) is Oregon’s only statewide, grassroots, tenant-controlled, tenant-rights organization. CAT educates, organizes and develops the leadership of low-income tenants. Community Alliance of Tenants is made up of two entities including Community Alliance of Tenants 501(c)3 and the CAT Action Fund 501(c)4.

  • Justice Advocates

    Justice Advocates is a grassroots criminal justice organization working for the elimination of unfair and harmful practices by the law enforcement system that includes police, courts, and prisons. We are endorsing JoAnn for reelection to Portland City Council because she shares our beliefs in fairness by our legal system and fairness for all the people of the community. She is the kind of leader we want in city government.

  • Color PAC

    Color PAC is committed to supporting progressive BIPOC leaders seeking public office at the local or state level in Oregon. Color PAC is BIPOC-led and run, and regularly collaborates with other BIPOC-led organizations engaged in movement-building.

  • Oregon Futures Lab

    Grounded in principles of equity, representation, and racial justice, our work is built on disrupting the ideas of who is best positioned to lead and how leaders are found.

  • Oregon Progressive Party

    We fight for economic justice, human rights, environmental protection, and grassroots democracy.

  • Safety and Justice Oregon

    For over two decades, we’ve been effectively transforming the criminal justice system by bringing together people who are justice involved, crime survivors, and the families and communities of both.

  • Protec17

    PROTEC17 fights for fairness, equal opportunity and dignity in the workplace, ensuring every member can succeed professionally and personally. We work tirelessly with employers to provide strong family wages, worker-friendly policies, a safe working environment, good benefits, workplace support, and training.

  • Unite Oregon Action

    For 20 years, Unite Oregon led the fight for social justice in Oregon by empowering communities ignored by the powerful. Harnessing the power of people coming together to make change, Join us in working for a Oregon that is safe, prosperous, and healthy for all.

  • Moms Demand Action

    Moms Demand Action is a grassroots movement of Americans fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence.

    *The Gun Sense Candidate distinction is not an endorsement from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America or Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund and should not be represented as such. Instead, it is a signal to our supporters, volunteers and voters across the country that a candidate advocates for gun violence prevention and will govern with gun safety in mind, if elected.


  • Jeff Merkley

    U.S. Senator

  • Suzanne Bonamici

    U.S. Congresswoman

    Portland is an amazing place facing serious challenges. We need experienced leaders who are willing to listen - and not afraid to tell the truth. Jo Ann is a true public servant with the vision and expertise to make Portland better for everyone. I appreciate her leadership and look forward to continuing to work with her bring solutions and resources to the problems we face.

  • Earl Blumenauer

    U.S. Congressman

    Jo Ann has been willing to tackle the tough issues. I especially appreciate our critical partnership to make our streets safer. She knows lives are at stake and is willing to make a difference.

  • Barbara Roberts

    Former Governor

    In one year, Jo Ann built, tested, and expanded one of the most innovative and effective city programs in decades – Portland Street Response. That is exactly the kind of bold, responsive leadership we need.

  • Dan Gardner

    Former Labor Commissioner

  • Michael Dembrow

    State Senator (NE/SE Portland)

    Jo Ann has a track record of effective solutions like Portland Street Response and taking leadership to reduce violence with the pilot program in Mt Scott/Arleta. We are in a crisis and we need her leadership. Her opponent lacks a track record and clear plan. Jo Ann is the leader I trust most. She always shows up.

  • Lew Frederick

    State Senator (N/NE Portland)

    Jo Ann's leadership and negotiation have addressed critical short-term needs including setting up new shelters to address the crisis on our streets, and securing agreement for long-term problems such as the Interstate Bridge Replacement that will ensure safer transportation and provide thousands of living wage jobs.

  • Kayse Jama

    State Senator (East Portland)

    Jo Ann has earned the endorsement of over 30 organizations, newspapers, and labor unions. She has received support from trusted electeds at every level. She is out in the community listening to voters and bringing partners together to create Portland Street Reponse, emergency shelters for people experiencing homelessness, and raising the bar for accountability and transparency. In a crisis, we need leaders we can trust, and Jo Ann is the leader Portland needs.

  • Elizabeth Steiner-Hayward

    State Senator (NW Portland/Beaverton)

    Our communities are suffering from the housing crisis and rising violence. We know that Jo Ann's values and her strong work ethic will enable her to address these crises. She has delivered in her first term, and I trust Jo Ann to solve these tough challenges

  • Rob Wagner

    State Senator

    Change requires intense leadership and courage. Jo Ann Hardesty has the strength and unparalleled experience that Portland needs. Her work on Portland Street Response has been a game changer for the community. Jo Ann put mental health workers on the streets to support people in crisis, taking burden off of police. I know she will continue to be the leader we can all count on.

  • Travis Nelson

    State Representative (N/NE Portland)

    Jo Ann is the fearless fighter that working families in Portland need. We need her voice and fighting spirit on issues like housing, public safety and handling the pandemic.

  • Rob Nosse

    State Representative (SE Portland)

    I am supporting Commissioner Hardesty for many reasons but one of my top reasons is the good work she did to bring Portland Street Response into existence and operation. This is a game changer for how our city will respond to mental health challenges.

  • Khanh Pham

    State Representative (SE Portland)

    Over the last 20 years I've known Jo Ann, I've seen how she has earned the trust of community. For years, she's fought for equity and justice both as a legislator and a community organizer. Jo Ann has the integrity, commitment and leadership skills we need on Council, and I'm proud to support her re-election.

  • Tawna Sanchez

    State Representative (NE Portland)

    I trust Jo Ann because she listens to our communities and uplifts the dignity of people on the margins. She is a compassionate organizer who has deep experience taking on systems change and succeeding. She has fought for health care access, affordable housing, and was part of the incredible coalition that won the Reproductive Health Equity Act ensuring access to the full range of reproductive care including abortion for all Oregonians regardless of class, citizenship, and gender.

  • Andrea Valderrama

    State Representative (East Portland)

    There are few people who work harder and advocate more fiercely for our communities in Portland than Jo Ann Hardesty. I am proud to support her. Jo Ann will fight for what matters, from making our neighborhoods safer to creating more houses that people can afford to live in. She will work to build a city where we can all live and thrive, and she will deliver.

  • Maxine Dexter

    State Representative

    Climate change and the fossil fuel industry is putting all of us at risk. In Northwest Portland, we face threats from long-term toxic fuel storage on the Willamette River. Jo Ann won consensus with her colleagues to block further expansion and worked with the legislature to improve safety. This protects residents, our economy, our environment, and first responders who would be called to any toxic spill or leak. Jo Ann is the leader I trust.

  • Susan McLain

    State Representative

    Jo Ann Hardesty has been a good partner on important transportation conversations the State Legislature has been having on infrastructure, funding, and on how to make all systems successful and safe.

  • Dacia Grayber

    State Representative

  • Karin Power

    State Representative

  • Carmen Rubio

    Portland City Commissioner

    Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty’s continued leadership, passion, and voice. And I cannot lose Jo Ann’s critical vote to help pass progressive policies that benefit the Portlanders who have been shut out of city hall since its inception - people like us!

  • Mike Schmidt

    Multnomah County District Attorney

    Jo Ann gets tough things done, and she does it side-by-side with the community. Her steady leadership, drawn from 30 years of meaningful police accountability work and deep knowledge of Portland, brings a crucial perspective to public safety work. Her achievements along with Portland Street Response increase our safety and free up police to focus on more serious crimes.

  • Susheela Jayapal

    Multnomah County Commissioner

    As we all work for a safer community, Jo Ann has been a partner in helping to implement data-driven solutions to long-standing problems. Jo Ann is the best person to ensure that we can all thrive in a safe, just community.

  • Nafisa Fai

    Washington County Commissioner

  • Stephanie Stephens

    Board of Director at David Douglas School District

    We are facing some of the toughest times in Portland history. We can’t afford to elect someone with no civic experience who thinks he knows better. We need steady and strong leadership during these times of uncertainty. I'm proud to support Jo Ann in her re-election to City Council because I trust her to deliver better for all of Portland.

  • Anne McEnerny-Ogle

    Mayor for the City of Vancouver

    Jo Ann has been a strong supporter of the I-5 Bridge Replacement Project. She’s a powerful advocate for climate and equity issues.

  • Mark Gamba

    Mayor of Milwaukie

    Commissioner Hardesty has consistently worked to make Portland a better place and to directly address the biggest issues we face like institutional racism and climate chaos.

  • Lynn Peterson

    Metro Council President

    I’ve worked closely with Jo Ann on the City Council, and I believe she is the candidate with the record and the values to not only protect the progress we have made, but build upon it to create a Portland that is more equitable, just, and resilient.

  • Mary Nolan

    Metro Councilor (N/NE/NW/SW Portland)

    Jo Ann Hardesty is a vital force for positive change and people-focused solutions in our community. She is the City Council partner that I trust in times of crisis. Portland needs a leader who delivers what she promised. We need Jo Ann!

  • Duncan Hwang

    Metro Councilor

    Jo Ann has been a champion for transportation justice. Increasing access to transit, improving safety, and including marginalized voices in planning are all values she brings to the work. I look forward to collaborating on projects on 82nd Ave and reshaping our city's most important corridors.

  • Stephanie Stevens

    David Douglas School Board

    We are facing some of the toughest times in Portland history. We need steady and strong leadership during these times of uncertainty. I'm proud to support Jo Ann in her re-election to City Council because I have known her personally for nearly 20 years, worked with her on important issues, and I trust her to deliver better for all of Portland.

  • Michelle DePass

    Portland Public Schools Board Chair

    I’m impressed that Jo Ann never gives up on Portland. She seems to draw strength from her deep roots in our city and her unwavering belief in the vision of a better, more just, more sustainable Portland.

  • David Linn

    Centennial School Board Member; Centennial Community Association Board Member; Centennial NET Member

    I have watched the same failed policies repeated in Portland for the past 20 years. Joann is one of the few leaders with both the experience and big ideas to help us get out of this cycle. Joann is one of the only city leaders to pay attention to the problems facing East Portland and offers real solutions instead of empty promises.

  • Hoa Nguyen

    David Douglas School Board

    Jo Ann is an East Portland resident and she has served to include the perspectives of East Multnomah County residents, which often gets left out in Portland City Council. I have appreciated seeing projects like the Portland Street Response team providing direct support to our most vulnerable community members, and know that she is an advocate for our immigrant, refugee, and AAPI community. We need consistent and equitable leadership in City Hall and I look forward to continuing the work with JoAnn to advocate for our diverse East Portland community.

  • Elizabeth Durant

    Parkrose School Board

    If you’re looking for a leader who embraces the spirit of public service, that’s Jo Ann through and through.

  • An Do

    Executive Director, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon and Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon

    As a new leader in this movement, Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty continues to inspire me as a lifelong champion of reproductive freedom and justice. No matter how challenging the issue, Commissioner Hardesty will always center the people in our community facing the biggest obstacles, has the courage to ask the questions that need to be asked, and leads with compassion and honesty. Commissioner Hardesty not only shares, but she truly lives our Portland values.

  • Kathy Kniep

    Principal, Kathy Kniep Consulting; Community Volunteer and Activist

    Jo Ann harnesses her tenacity, smarts, and seemingly endless energy to make positive, tangible changes in our community. Long before she took office, she fearlessly fought to advance racial justice and rights for domestic violence survivors, among many other critical causes. She brought that drive and extensive community experience -- and her perspectives as a veteran -- to City Council, where she draws on them daily to take thoughtful positions on key issues and lead much-needed change in Portland. She's also down to earth and funny. I'm a fan!

  • Stephen Green

    Board Chair, Built Oregon

    One of the reasons I am endorsing Commissioner Hardesty is because of her willingness to lean into uncomfortable conversations to find a solution

  • Andrea Paluso

    Community Activist, Parent

    I am honored to endorse Jo Ann Hardesty for Portland City Commissioner Position 3. She is the right person at the right time to help lead Portland toward a more just and equitable future.

  • Rukaiyah Adams

    Community Leader

    As Portland transforms into a 21st century city, we need brave, connected and visionary leaders. Jo Ann is the right person at the right time.

  • Rabbi Ariel Stone

    Activist, Jewish Community Leader

    As a Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty has repeatedly demonstrated her steadfast commitment to improving the lives of Portlanders. Her heart is with the vulnerable and she listens with respect to everyone's voice. She looks past categories and sees the human being, and she doesn't forget what she sees when she is engaged in the difficult daily work of political compromise and negotiations. She doesn't let setbacks get her down, but keeps on doing the work we elected her to do. She's the leader we need for Portland's future.

  • Alex M Tinker

    Litigation Partner & Cannabis Industry Group Co-Chair, Tonkon Torp LLP

    Portland can and should be a leader in modernizing community safety, housing our neighbors, slowing the climate crisis, and building a resilient economy that provides security and opportunity for everyone--but not with business as usual.. JoAnn/Commissioner Hardesty has proved her commitment to solving the problems we all care about, no matter how hard, how complicated, or how little they matter to this city's established sources of power. Her perspective and advocacy in City Hall are priceless and what she's accomplished in one term gives me great hope that my beloved hometown can be a city that works for everyone.

  • Andre Miller

    Community Organizer
    Commissioner Hardesty is an innovative visionary that is willing to go above and beyond. She is a voice for the people that have historically been left behind in Portland politics.

  • Anthony Castaneda

    Education Policy Analyst, Portland Charter Commissioner

    Commissioner Hardesty uses her voice to uplift all Portlanders regardless of socioeconomic status and leads with community in her heart.

  • Christel Allen

    Executive Director. Pro-Choice Oregon

    As a lifelong champion, Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty is why Portland, Oregon remains a north star for reproductive freedom. She has dedicated her life to advancing equity and justice in our state, and continues to work tirelessly to ensure this city is meeting the needs of all our community members. By re-electing Jo Ann Hardesty, we can rest assured our city will be ready to welcome those who may need to travel to our state to receive essential health care, and Portland will continue to be a beacon of hope for reproductive freedom, amidst new and unprecedented challenges.

  • Bob Joondeph


    Jo Ann speaks bravely and clearly for Portlanders who have not had their voices heard. Real change requires the boldness, honesty and commitment that Jo Ann brings to the table.

  • Eric Ward

    Non-profit Executive, Philanthropist

    I am endorsing Jo Ann Hardesty for Portland City Commissioner. Jo Ann will help Portland continue its momentum towards equitable community safety, economic prosperity and climate sustainability with policies that meet the needs of all Portland residents. Whether affordable housing, accessible education or transportation, Hardesty continues to show her ability to convene a broad array of diverse community voices and leaders to engage in the difficult but much needed conversations that move Portland forward, together.

  • Candace Avalos

    Community Leader

    We count on Jo Ann to be the progressive conscience on council, a leader who shows up for the community and builds consensus for police reform and environmental justice.

  • Devin Boss

    Rose City Justice Organizer

    I was born and raised in this community, and there is no one that I trust more to help correct this city's systemic imbalances than Joann Hardesty. She is a true warrior of the people.

  • Jeana Frazzini

    Former Executive Director, Basic Rights Oregon

    Jo Ann embodies the leadership our city needs: integrity, compassion, vision and a fierce commitment to inclusion and accountability.

  • Michael Alexander

    Community Leader

    Jo Ann Hardesty is the fighter we need now for all our communities. She centers the community as a leader, including Portland’s vibrant Black communities, bringing critical new voices and vision for our city.

  • Amanda Foggia

    Registered Nurse

    I support Jo Ann for her focus on community and advocacy for Portlanders affected by homelessness and racial inequity. The issues she highlights in her campaign influence almost every single patient I work with in the hospital. I believe the changes she is advocating for, through Portland street response, police accountability, and climate justice have the capacity to improve the health and wellness of all Portlanders.

  • Brian Hoop

    Executive Director, Housing Oregon

    Jo Ann is a proven community leader with innovate solutions to our city's most challenging issues.

  • Caitlin Baggott Davis

    Civic Leader, Activist, Philanthropist

    For twenty years, I’ve known I could count on Jo Ann to be honest, compassionate and unwavering when she fights for the community. Now more than ever, we need her steady leadership.

  • Chris Smith

    Transportation and Civic Activist

    As someone who's been working to reduce reliance on automobiles for two decades I know that Jo Ann understands the negative impacts that too many cars - and too few alternatives - have on our community

  • Damon Motz-Storey

    Climate Justice Advocate

    Jo Ann Hardesty knows that there is no justice until there is justice for *everyone*, and she knows that low-income Portlanders and communities of color are on the front lines of the unfolding climate crisis. Her leadership was essential in forming what is now the nationally-acclaimed Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund, which is making sure all Portlanders can benefit from clean energy jobs, urban agriculture, and energy efficiency home upgrades. We need Jo Ann on Portland City Council: she is an effective advocate for Portlanders who have been pushed--quite literally with regard to our ongoing housing and gentrification crises--to the margins.

  • Elliott Young

    Professor of History, Lewis & Clark College

    Joann Hardesty has led the efforts on City Council to make the Portland police accountable for their abuses. If you believe in improving public safety and reducing harm to our communities, then you should vote for Hardesty.

  • Holly J Pruett

    Community Activist

    Integrity, bravery, and a proven commitment to doing the work are three of the most essential qualities we need in our leaders right now. These qualities define Jo Ann. She has put decades into developing community solutions, isn't afraid to challenge the status quo, and is willing to admit and learn from any mistakes. Portland needs Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty's integrity, bravery, and hard work. I fear for a City Council without her.

  • Iris Hodge

    Small Business Owner, Advocate

    I support Commissioner Hardesty because she works so hard to include everyone regardless of socioeconomic status or which side of the river you’re from. She is authentic, hardworking and a forward-thinking, problem solver with decades of experience in advocacy.

  • Jeremy Simer

    Dad, Union Member

    When fellow Portlanders are experiencing a mental health crisis, they need trained professionals to treat them with compassion and address their underlying needs. That's what the new Portland Street Response program does. I appreciate Jo Ann Hardesty's leadership in getting PSR started, and expanding it citywide in 2022. My family and I back Jo Ann 100% because of her bold leadership in difficult times.

  • Kate Ertmann

    Organizational Design Consultant / 15 year PDX Small Business Owner / Past President - Rotary Club of Portland

    Systemic change takes time. Commissioner Hardesty has just begun to build the foundation for all Portlanders to feel safe and to thrive.

  • Justin Sawyer

    Concerned Citizen

    Jo Ann has been there since day one fighting for everything this city needs right now. She’s always the smartest one in the room and never forgets her values.

  • Laura Moulton

    Executive Director, Street Books. Author of Loaners: The Making of a Street Library. Writer and Organizer.

    Jo Ann asks the hard questions and then gets to work helping to create the answers.

  • Rev. Dr. Leroy Haynes


    Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty will lead us forward not backwards in Community Policing with Police Accountability.

  • Lisa Loving

    Media Activist, Author

    I have known Commissioner Hardesty since her days as a lawmaker in the Oregon State Legislature. Her experiential knowledge of this city, and the deeply rooted issues we face, are unparalleled on the Council. There is no one else – no one else – better suited to forge a better future for Portland through this unparalleled current moment.

  • Lokyee Au

    Small Business Owner, Parent

    Jo Ann has the experience, compassion, and boldness we desperately need in government. She spent decades fighting for the most marginalized Portlanders and she has never once stopped since entering office. Her voice on and leadership have ensured neighborhoods and families like mine are included when it comes to city policies.

  • Manumalo "Mālō" Ala'ilima

    Community Organizer and Consultant

    As a fa'atane, a Samoan transgender man, it gives me hope that JoAnn has been absolutely respectful and inclusive in seeking my perspective in policy prioritization listening sessions. From her heart to our hearts and her home to our homes, that is exactly the kind of leadership Portland needs.

  • Mark Lakeman

    Design Director

    Jo An Hardesty is Portland's champion of community values and goals! I whole heartedly endorse her again for Portland City Council!

  • Mathias Quackenbush

    Clinical Social Worker, Community Organizer

    I’m working to help get Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty re-elected because of her championing of the new Portland Street Response program, working for improved infrastructure equity including advocating successfully for transfer of control of 82nd Ave to the city and hundreds of millions in funds for infrastructure improvement, and her instrumental role in getting the new civilian police accountability body onto the ballot, approved by voters, and on the way to being implemented.

  • Michael Edera

    Landscape Contractor

    Jo Ann Hardesty represents grassroots Portland. No special interest put her in office and no special interest can defeat her.

  • Nate Query


    I am excited to support Jo Ann Hardesty's reelection campaign in 2022. We need leaders like her who care about making life better for everyone in Portland, whether that means better housing policy, better transportation, representing East Portlanders, or Police Accountability. The future of Portland is bright if we come together and stand up for the dignity of all our neighbors. I trust Jo Ann's commitment to justice and to Portland.

  • Nick Caleb

    Environmental Attorney & Community Advocate

    Jo Ann Hardesty has been the strongest and most effective ally in government in the struggle against the fossil fuel industry and the many threats posed by their dangerous infrastructure.

  • Roberta Hunte

    Educator, Parent

    As a mother, an educator and with almost two decades as a resident of Portland I support Joann Hardesty. I met Joann in 2008 when she was the executive director of a statewide non-profit. We’ve been close ever since. It was clear to me then like it is to me now, she will hard choices. Joann is willing to admit when she makes mistakes, learn and grow. She’s been fighting for smarter holistic public safety, police accountability, and labor for all of that time. I trust Joann's commitment to working people and a more just society. We need leaders like Joann who have deep roots in our community, and are willing to stand up for us.

  • Shanda Justice

    Patient Financial Services Representative

  • Stephen Gomez

    Community Leader

    Jo Ann speaks truth to power at a time never more needed.

  • Tiffany Koyama Lane

    Public School Educator

    I support Jo Ann because she believes Black Lives Matter. It’s not just a saying on a sign held up once, but it’s something Jo Ann actually lives out in her actions and commitment to our community.

  • Timur Ender

    Transportation Justice Advocate

    I'm proud to support Jo Ann Hardesty because I've seen the tangible impact her leadership has had on safety of Portland streets in 2021.

  • Bill Weismann

    Forrmer Executive Director, Oregon Fair Share; Consultant, Grassroots NW

    JoAnn is a proven leader who understands the needs of grassroots residents, as she has lived and led progressive efforts for social change. She is a powerful voice for police reform, racial justice and for positive policy proposals like Portland Street Response. At this moment when system change is needed and possible we need JoAnn on City Council.

  • Judith Mowry

    Social Justice Activist

    Portland needs to stay the course of reform and transformation for Racial Justice, especially now as we rebuild and heal.If you believe in a fair and just future for Portland, join me in voting for Joanne Hardesty.

  • Dom Belcastro

    Portland Tenants United Member

    Jo Ann showed up for renters when we needed it most. As someone who had been no cause evicted twice in Portland before 2018, Commissioner Hardesty's support for tenants rights has earned my respect and my vote in this important election. As a union member and tenant union organizer, I implore renters and workers of this city to vote Jo Ann for City Council position #3!

  • Maude Hines

    Educator, Parent

    I have long admired Commissioner Hardesty's dedication to Portland and understanding of the complex issues we face. I have seen her acknowledge and learn from her mistakes, listen to communities, and spend time and energy on the research necessary to evaluate the relative merits of policies and strategies--as well as their potential effects on all communities. She is not afraid to roll up her sleeves and do the hard work. I trust her to continue that work--there is no one better equipped to help us through these hard times.

  • Laurie King

    Activist, Parent, Grandparent

    Through my work in Jobs with Justice, I have known Jo Ann for many years. I am impressed by her diligence, honesty, respect for facts, creative ideas, and love of justice. Jo Ann has led in creating the Portland Street Response. This is a practical and creative solution to over-policing and a militarization of the problems of houselessness and mental illness. She was instrumental in crafting what has become PCEF. This is also a practical program that helps solve the climate, jobs and equity crises. It is critical that we have a voice on the City Council that prioritizes the needs of Portland's working and underrepresented people.

  • Betsy Toll

    Founder of Living Earth, Community Activist

    Jo Ann's voice, experience, and vision for Portland are vital. She is always focused on tangible, effective action to improve and celebrate what’s best about Portland.

  • Faye Burch

    Business Consultant

    JoAnn is willing to put on the hard work that it takes to be a commissioner.

  • Andy Miller

    Housing and Community Development Leader

    Jo Ann leads on the issues important to Portlanders who may not have the most access to the corridors of City Hall. From her work to create Portland Street Response as a compassionate and effective way of responding to our neighbors in crisis to her leadership during the pandemic to ensure resources flowed to renters and small business owners who needed them most, Commissioner Hardesty delivers programs and resources that not only respond to crisis, but that replace outdated and non-inclusive systems. Jo Ann envisions and leads toward the future that Portland needs and deserves. I stand with her today and trust her to be an uncompromising voice for a more just and equitable tomorrow for all of Portland.

  • Harold McNaron

    Educator & member of Showing Up for Racial Justice PDX

    I first encountered Jo Ann at a protest outside of City Hall. Now that's where she works. We've marched in the streets that she now oversees as transportation commissioner. I've followed her lead as a member of NAACP. We've shared space at the Keaton Otis Vigil. Jo Ann's unyielding love of justice is a gift she's given Portland & Oregon for decades! Portland Street Response is going citywide now - saving lives on the regular - because of her leadership. I don't trust too many politicians, but I trust Jo Ann. Vote for Jo Ann. It's not even a question. The question is: how can we get more commissioners on board to collaborate for justice and change the racist-ass status quo in this town?

  • Jessica Acee


    I'm supporting Jo Ann because she has the skills and experience to bring true community safety to Portland and because she has a dedicated track record of listening to all members of our community and doing the hard work of policy change. She is exactly the leader our city needs and deserves in this moment.

  • Mark Woodlief


    The quality I admire most about Jo Ann is that she consistently shows up for the people. That's the kind of leadership Portland requires.

  • K. Kendall

    Activist, Grandparent, Professor of Theatre, Retired; Portland Buddhist Peace Fellowship

    JoAnn cares about public safety, about creative alternatives to policing, about climate mitigation. She serves ALL the people, including rich and poor, housed and unhoused, abled and disabled. She is always as good as her word, and I trust her completely. JoAnn makes Portland safe for ALL the children. She actively dismantles white supremacy, and she represents all, not just the privileged few.

  • Kate Simer

    Business Owner, Parent

    The City of Portland needs Jo Ann Hardesty's bold, Baltimore spirit on our City Council. Her dedication to transform the social justice system and commitment to finding community-based solutions on the housing crisis is essential to Portland's well-being. Hardesty recognizes that mental health services and affordable housing must be at the forefront on any Portland leader's priority list and is a tireless advocate for the vulnerable populations who so desperately need to be seen and supported. As a proven leader, and the first Black woman elected to city council, we need Jo Ann to stay exactly where she is so she can continue to get the job done. Hardesty has my support and my vote.